Parenting is, without a doubt, one of the most rewarding and most completely baffling enterprises anybody can take on. We go into parenting influenced by a host of unconscious and conscious biases about how to parent, from our own childhoods, our friends, the media, and more- making the role feel pressured and confusing. We can end up defaulting to parenting in ways we do not like, such as being overly harsh or permissive. Whether you recently had a new baby, adopted a child, are struggling to handle a transition like a move or divorce, or want support around the everyday challenges of raising children- I can help. I aim to assist you in feeling empowered and confident in your parenting, while providing your children loving, clear boundaries within an environment that is welcoming and encourages curiosity, growth, and communication. I work with you to figure out your greatest strengths as a parent, and the places that you struggle, and help dissolve any emotional barriers that you have to being the kind of parent that you want to be. I bring my knowledge of neuroscience, child development, play therapy, and mindfulness practices so that I can offer you concrete, specific strategies that may help you feel more connected to your children and more resourced when they challenge you.
“Parenting is not about what our child does, but about how we respond.”